Aluminium Battery Tray
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 2mm Aluminium
Dimensions: (L) 260mm, (W) 175mm, (H) 175mm
Available on backorder
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 3mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 138mm x 86mm x 101mm
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 3mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 176mm x 84mm x 130mm
- Black cable tie saddle with mounting opening.
- Idea for mounting brake, fuel and oil lines.
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 3mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 200mm x 77mm x 140mm
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 2mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 250mm x 97mm x 156mm
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 3mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 176mm x 84mm x 130mm
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door. Product Information: Material: 2mm Aluminium Battery Dimension: 250mm x 97mm x 156mm
Este suporte de bateria universal OBP para MX150 e Extreme R 30 é feito de alumínio para extrema leveza.
Cada produto de alumínio da OBP Motorsport é feito à mão no Reino Unido e passa por rigorosos controles de qualidade antes de ser entregue em sua casa.
Especificações técnicas:
Dimensões da bateria: 250x97x156mm
Altura: 100mm
Largura: 320mm
Profundidade: 150mm
Espessura: 2mm
Material: alumínio
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 2mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 176mm x 84mm x 130mm
Caixa de bateria impermeável e sólida em polipropileno, fornecida com tampa e tiras de fechamento.
Fornecido sem suportes de afixação!
Ideial para obter passaporte tecnico.
- Parte inferior sem tampa: Inferior: 280 x 188 x 208 mm (L x L x A)
- Parte superior: 290 x 198 x 208 mm (L x L x A)
- Com tampa fechada: 325 x 220 x 270mm (L x L x A)
Peso: 800gr
Aluminium Products have always been a core part of obp Motorsport’s product line up. Over the years they have become world renowned for high quality craftsmanship and reliability. Each obp Motorsport Aluminium Product is handmade in the UK and goes through rigorous quality checks before it gets delivered to your door.
Product Information:
Material: 3mm Aluminium
Battery Dimension: 250mm x 97mm x 156mm
Suporte de montagem de 2 vias para abraçadeira de cabos Base / sela de plástico autoadesivo para abraçadeiras/zip
- Solução ideal para montagem de fiação, mangueiras, tubos, cabos, etc. em veículos
- Base de 25 mm x 25 mm
- Para adequar abraçadeiras de até 5,8 mm
- Vendido separadamente